Talks and seminars
- IA e radiomica: uno sguardo d’insieme su strumenti e metodi [AI and radiomics: an overview of tools and methods] Corso AI e radiomica in medicina nucleare: luci ed ombre [Short course on AI and radiomics in Nuclear Medicine: Lights and shades]. The Italian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Molecular Imaging and Therapy, Rome (Italy), 17 December 2024
- Classification of lung nodules on CT via pseudo-colour images and deep features from pre-trained convolutional networks, the Computational Color Imaging Workshop (CCIW 2024), Milan, Italy, 25-27 Sep. 2024
- Quale software scegliere [Which software to choose]. Educational session Radiomica come e perché [Radiomics how and why], the 16th National Congress of the Italian Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (AIMN), Milan, Italy, 23 June 2024
- Intelligenza artificiale applicata all’imaging medico nucleare: estrazione e analisi di features radiomiche [Artificial intelligence applied to Nuclear Medicine imaging: extraction and analysis of radiomics features] (with B. Palumbo), webinar Evoluzione tecnologica, digital health and Nuclear Medicine [Technical evolution, digital health and Nuclear Medicine], Italian Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (AIMN), The Health Technology Assessment (HTA) study group 26 January 2024
- Relationship between colour themes and perceived aesthetic quality in colour images: An exploratory study, ADM 2023 International Conference, Florence, Italy, 7 September 2023
- A quick introduction to Radiomics. Webinar Introduction to Radiomics for Nuclear Medicine, Italian Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (AIMN), The AI-Radiomics study group, 16 January 2023
- Colour and texture descriptors for visual recognition: From the early years to convolutional networks. Keynote lecture (online), 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Science (CCES 2022), Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran, 20 December 2022;
- Intelligenza artificiale e radiomica: applicazioni in Medicina Nucleare [Artificial Intelligence and Radiomics: Applications in Nuclear Medicine] (with B. Palumbo), Memorial Dr. Fausto Chionne "Dall'Intelligenza Artificiale alla Medicina Predittiva e di precisione: quali sviluppi in sanità" [From Artificial Intelligence to personalised and predictive medicine: Developments for the healthcare system; in memory of Dr. Fausto Chionne], Città della Pieve, Italy, 13 October 2022
- Correlation between IBSI morphological features and manually-annotated shape attributes on lung lesions at CT, Annual Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA 2022), Cambridge, United Kingdom, 29 July 2022
- A benchmark of traditional visual descriptors and convolutional networks ‘off-the-shelf’ for anomaly detection, The International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing (JCM 2022), Ischia, Italy, 2 June 2022
- Artificial intelligence and radiomics: an overview (in Italian), invited note at the round-table on Artificial Intelligence and Radiomics, 15th National Congress of the Italian Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Rimini (Italy), 14 May 2022
- Advances in modelling and analysis of the human body by computational imaging (with G. Pascoletti), keynote lecture at the 2nd International Congress on Engineering Sciences and Multidisciplinary Approaches, Istanbul (Turkey), 18 September 2021
- Radiomics in medical imaging: an overview, IET Webinar Recent advances in Medical Image Analysis, 25 June 2021
- Texture and colour descriptors for visual recognition: an overview of methods applications, Doctoral programme in Industrial and Information Engineering, Università degli Studi di Perugia (Italy), 23 June 2021
- Experimental analysis of colour constancy and colour augmentation for painting classification by artistic genre: preliminary results; Florence Heri-Tech 2020, Florence (Italy), 16 Oct. 2020
- Texture and colour descriptors for visual recognition: historical overview and applications to computer vision and robotics; keynote lecture at the 2020 International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis (ICCAD'20), Paris (France), 7 Oct. 2020
- Hand-designed descriptors vs. pre-trained convolutional networks: a comparison of two strategies for colour texture classification, City, University of London (United Kingdom) 20 Nov. 2018
- Texture description through histograms of equivalent patterns: A unifying framework for LBP and related methods, Queen Mary University of London (United Kingdom), 22 Sep. 2015
- Fundamentos de reconocimiento de patrones y análisis de imágenes en color, Universidade de Vigo (Spain), 24 Jan. 2012
- Visión en color y reconocimiento de patrones, Universidad de Vigo (Spain), 11 Jan. 2011
- Automatic characterization of materials appearance through texture and colour analysis, University of East Anglia (United Kingdom), 15 Oct 2010
- Procesamiento digital de imagen y reconocimiento de patrones, Universidad de Vigo (Spain), Jun. 2009